Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thanks--- no seriously, thank you. Really though. Thank... YOU. - photo credit

I'm not very good at very many things... seriously. I do a lot of different things in my life and sometimes I try my ass off to make something super awesome.. but mostly its met with mediocrity in its final results,or finished version. Yes I am genuinely proud of a few things in my life, but mostly I have to say I'm good at... being appreciative. I can be so overwhelmed by how grateful i feel at times its kinda weird. Yes its usually a temporal phenomenon .. but in that brief moment, it's very powerful, trans-formative and addictive... all qualities that get my (short lived) attention.

So without getting too into my own self.. (cos that's really not relevant) I wanted to impress to you how super awesome it is to be "GRATEFUL"

What I like about this... "ambition" if i can call it that, is the fact that you don't have to "do" anything to get it. Ok yes it does require some awareness and some ability to look around, but... if you break it down into the little things... and really, the good things, are always those little things! wink wink.... Then its soooo super easy.

The brilliant thing that happens is that when you actually start to realize that you have a handful of really amazing (and simple) things that you are grateful for... something amazing happens, and something wonderful shifts in your universe. Got your attention? I hope so! Read on.

Something Happens. You become aware.!! OOOOH AHHHH! But really.... You begin to connect more fully. You become mindful. (in a good way not in a fakey spiritual way!) You walk differently, you laugh more honestly, you cry easier, and the sun is ever so much more gorgeous than before!

Seriously... Why don't I do this more? There 's always something to be grateful for too.  Some may be thinking, OK I see what your eluding to, but dude, my life, It seriously is in the crapper, I mean, I see poop float past me on my daily commute. Too bad my friend, you still have things in your life that you can be grateful for; Your freedom. Your very breath. Your job. Your friend(s). Your childhood. Your last meal. Your next meal. Warmth. The breeze. Your coat. Your literacy, etcetera etcetera.

All I can say is that Ive known darkness, destitute(ness), shame, etc, I'm not gonna go into it, but I've been down, and I've been fucking ..OUT.... and I survived.Why? because I chose to find an opportunity in how I saw things, and a hope. In my mind, if no where else, and yes there were things and people, even then, to be grateful for, even in the worst of times.

Back to my point, Being grateful. When you engage this part of your humanity in an active and more deliberate way, it will change you. It will open your spiritual hands to receive, to hear, to be involved. I love that part of it sooooo much. It's invigorating to see people and life speak and move with you! Dreams manifest and dance in your grasp. But best of all, you connect to your life, and you savor the sweetness that is now. Ok yeah here is where the results will vary and be completely different for everyone, however, it certainly has the ability to release the good and magical things.

So if this intrigues you....

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